Whether you are in search of a romantic evening or a place to let loose with your friends, I present two possibilities for your next nighttime adventure.
Photo 1: International student nights at The Library Square Pub are carefully curated experiences by VANSTU Events that pack the venue from start to finish.

Photos #2 & #3: If you squeeze your way into the heart of the dance floor, prepare to meet your next dancing match during neon moments filled with high-energy moves.

Photos #4 & #5: The age-old question of what to wear holds minimal pressure, with various people dressing up or opting for a more relaxed fit.

Photo #6: The Fox Cabaret brings diversity to what makes a club; old and new music and areas differing in intensity provide a little something for everyone.

Photos #7 & #8: For the brave souls, make your way onto the stage to live out your band member dreams.

Photos #9 & #10: The Fox has plenty of seating next to the dance floor to continue that conversation. Another option is to head upstairs for a much more intimate experience, complete with couches and a second dance floor.

Photo #11: At the end of the day (or night), a piece of advice I’d give to anyone looking to try out Vancouver’s nightlife is to keep an open mind. The spaces can be intimidating for the first time, but if you’re looking to meet someone new, the best thing you can bring on a night out is a positive and welcoming attitude to whatever opportunities fill your space of choice.