This month marks the 32nd anniversary of CFML, the student-run radio station on the Burnaby campus. Most students (and staff for that matter) are surprised to learn that BCIT broadcasts daily from SE 10. It is a bemoaned reality of the radio program that Evolution 1079 toils in obscurity.
But a group of students are making a concerted effort to push Evolution 1079 into relevancy on campus, by producing a live broadcast from the Great Hall every Tuesday. The shows will feature BCIT-based content, including performances and interviews with students, faculty and staff.
(Matt Woodford and Jesse Wentzloff get psyched up before hitting the air for their first show)
The first live show featured an interviews with Link Magazine’s very own publisher Dan Post alongside BCIT Student Advocate Robyn Lougheed, and a musical performance by student Jamie Cessford. Hosts Matt Woodford and Jesse Wentzloff appropriately titled the show “W2 Live.”
(Jamie Cessford serenades listeners live in the Great Hall)
After 32 years of existence – six of them branded as Evolution 1079 – it is the producers’ hope that a weekly radio presence in the Great Hall will evolve into on-campus establishment, where BCIT-goers will want to promote their work or up-coming events because of the potential exposure.
You can listen to the produced version of W2 Live, as well as the many other features prepared by other radio students, on the Evolution 1079 Soundcloud page. If you have a topic you’d like to share with the BCIT community, please email: Plus, if you are in the Great Hall on Tuesday, look for the group of radio students creating an institution.