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Integrating elements of academics, debate, athletics, and social engagement, JDC (Jeux du Commerce) West is an annual business competition for undergraduates from 12 post-secondary institutions in Western Canada. Delegates, student leaders, and faculty attend this event.
Here on campus, we have BCIT JDC West, a club where members gain experience preparing for the competition. Link had the honour to interview some current and past execs of BCIT JDC West to learn more about the club. The interviewees were Rai-Ann (Captain), John (alum), and Salma (alum).
According to Rai-Ann, BCIT was the first—and only—polytechnic institution to be part of the competition. And in just four years since it got involved in 2016, BCIT won six awards, now displayed in the club’s trophy case in SE6 on the Burnaby campus.
The club consists of BCIT students representing all disciplines in the School of Business. Through their participation, they are provided with the chance to show off the academic skills they learned and apply them to real-world cases. The ten academic teams are involved in coached practices with case presentations. These teams are Accounting, Business Strategy, Business Technology, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources, International Business, Marketing, Not-for-Profit, and Operations. Additionally, their non-academic teams are Debate, Athletic, and Challenge.
Beyond training the members, the club enriches the wider BCIT student community, creating involvement opportunities such as networking events and workshops for club members and BCIT students. The members even contribute to the community, hosting fundraisers including a silent auction and the annually run event Chill’in for Charity. The club members have contributed to support a variety of registered charities such as the Salvation Army and WAVAW (Women Against Violence Against Women).
All these opportunities connect to the missions of JDC West, which runs the competition of the same name. JDC West is committed to fostering a vibrant community of well-rounded business students in Western Canada.
“Each year, a new theme is brought to light,” shares Rai-Ann. “The JDC West[’s] 2023 theme of ‘Triumph through Perseverance’ [demonstrates] the three pillars of resilience, determination, and opportunity. This theme is a reminder to [the] attendees that persistence and creativity are key players in our mindsets to lead to new opportunities.”
For more insight into the club, here is each interviewee’s candid reflection on joining and being part of it:

“I wanted to be an executive for JDC West because of their values and work in raising money and volunteering time to give back to the local community. I got to translate my skills from a competitor and executive into the sales role I have today. I have gained personal and professional confidence. I’m able to pivot at a moment’s notice to create the best solution that benefits everyone involved.”

“After joining JDC West as a member, I’ve learned so much. I wanted others to experience the same as I did and hoped to bring out further potential this club can provide to the students at BCIT. That itself got me excited to work on a scale that is only possible through this club. It pushed me to become more confident in myself as a learning student and develop skills that were only possible through JDC West. The support of my team members and the club helped me overcome my fear of speaking in public. I advanced myself to formulate strategies and collaborate with others in creating something truly unique in resolving a business case. This club has transformed me: I strive to understand others and continuously learn by collaborating in my academic journey and life.”

“I really enjoyed being a delegate. I like what this club teaches its members and what it stands for, and I wanted to contribute to that. This club has taught me how to work under pressure and improvise. It has also taught me how to work strategically in teams. I realized I’m capable of more things than I thought I would be. I also realized that there is so much more I need to learn and many more skills I need to acquire and improve on.”
Today, BCIT JDC West is continuing to work with other BCIT clubs on its journey to help create communities and challenges for students to explore. The members are working hard as they prepare for the 2023 competition in January. Check out the club’s Instagram page (@bcitjdcwest) to see what they’ve been up to and find ways to get involved. You can also check out JDC West at jdcwest.org or on YouTube.