It’s that time of year again – time to pack those bags, sharpen the pencils, and promise yourself that you’re going to be a better, more focused student than last year. To help you ensure that you keep that promise, the Link Magazine will be your one-stop-shop to all the things you need to know to help you be successful!
Here are a couple of tips and tricks about BCIT that will make your stay here a little more enjoyable (or if anything, a little more bearable):
That Parking Situation:
Do your classes start at 9:30am? Well be wary of the trek and plan ahead. Since all the trades and finance classes start at a bright and early 7:30am, parking on lot A, B, and N will most likely be taken. Your best bet will be lot D, E, F, and Q to find parking before 10:30am. If you’re arriving after 11am, the closest parking you will find without having to go through each lot like a maze is lot J, K, L, and M.
Coffee on Campus:
It’s no secret that on a student budget and going through BCIT’s grueling schedule, it’s going to be difficult surviving off 50 cent ramen noodles and your inability to make a decent meal that you will remember to bring to school. Opt for a nice cup of dark brew at the stands that are available at SE16, SE6, SW1, and NE1. It’s the cheapest coffee on campus probably the best bang for your buck. The bread garden serves Starbucks coffee, which is good when you’re looking for a treat – but with 10 minutes to get to your next class, the long line-ups aren’t worth the wait!
Looking for more tips to help make your time at BCIT a little better? Check out Kal’s student savvy tricks on saving while at school!