Hearts on a map

Love Across The Pond

Love Across the Pond “The internet has made it easier than ever to connect with other people.” Is not exactly a new idea. My friend Becky can vouch for that better than anyone I know. One day she opened her phone, logged onto Tinder, and found that a man in the UK, a country on…

baim-hanif-final words

Final Words

baim-hanif-final words This is goodbye… it’s been fun, but now it’s time for bigger, better, and newer things. It is a strange feeling to write this. Typing these words knowing it will be the last thing I ever submit for Link. I’ve had this same feeling about so many things lately: tests, assignments, labs, etc.…

Question of the year

The Question of the Year

Question of the year 2020 was like nothing we’d ever seen. What was meant to be a fresh start in a new year and decade was quickly derailed by a pandemic, an immense sense of civil unrest, a tanking economy, never-ending lockdowns, and a general sense of uncertainty.   In a year so dramatic, so…

Male Nudity

The Imbalance of Nudity

Male Nudity   Normalization has become a buzzword that’s thrown around a lot today, and for a good reason. There is a lot more conversation around social norms and outdated concepts of morality.   Nudity on television is nothing new. I don’t find myself spitting out my tea and clutching my pearls at the sight…

fetish article

5 Fetishes You May Know, 5 You May Not

What is a fetish?   A fetish is a fixation on something necessary to a person’s sexual gratification. Fetishes are usually about something that’s not inherently sexual, such as shoes or fingernails. Fetishes sometimes overlap with Kinks, but the two are not the same. Kinks are used to refer to alternatives to the standard vanilla…