A chocolate treat on a cutting board

Čupavci Recipe (Australian Lamingtons)

Čupavci, also known as Australian Lamingtons, is a biscuit dipped in chocolate sauce and covered with coconut. It’s called čupavci (which translates to “messy” or “furry”) because of the coconut flakes. This dessert can often be found in the Balkan regions, and it’s one of the many desserts that my mom would make every Christmas…

Sleeping on a pillow

Good Sleep

With midterms approaching, it’s important that you’re getting enough sleep. When a proper sleeping pattern is maintained, there are many positive outcomes, such as an increase in productivity, or an improvement in learning and memory. When sleep isn’t maintained, focus and attention can drift, causing it to be harder to receive information.1  Short-term health consequences…

Digital learning

A Close Look at Online Classes

In the last year and a half, many students (including myself) were uncertain about in-person classes transitioning online. I attended six courses at BCIT during this period: one in-person course and five online courses. Three of these online courses were scheduled live lectures with the remaining two online but studying at your own pace. Having…